Top 10 mistakes in the relationships according to Apostle Johnson Suleman

1. Dating more than one person

In one of the messages by Apostle Johnson Suleman, he expressed his disappointment in people who want to find love but stay unfaithful from the very beginning. It`s an interesting life, and some people just can`t decide who can be their sweetheart.
Nevertheless, multiple dates bring multiple cases. These multiple cases may bring a lot of problems in your life. Therefore, it`s necessary to concentrate on one person if you want to have a stable relationship. If you don`t, you will be only left with disappointments.

2. Propose to a girl you don't love

You shouldn't propose to a girl you don`t love. According to Johnson Suleman and his messages, if you do that, you will get a lot of problems with your life. If you feel that something is wrong with getting married to a guy or girl you are in relationship with, then you shouldn't marry this person.

Eventually, it will only bring more disappointments in your life. Therefore, you shouldn't get married to a boy a girl if you somewhere deep down in your soul you feel hesitations about this decision. It's better to stay friends or forget each other to be happy, then marry each other and live in the constant hate and disappointment.

3. Dressing inappropriately

Another great mistake in relationships according to Apostle Johnson Suleman messages is to dress shabbily. Its inappropriate for men and women to dress shabbily on their dates. What kind of impression can they get if they dress like this?
You should understand the color and style when you dress up. It's necessary to understand your partner and tastes of your partner. Therefore, you will learn how to be attractive for this person.

4. To be to possessive

This is another major mistake people make in the relationships. Do not forget that people can't be your property. If this person is not for you then no matter how hard you monitor his or her life. Your relationship will end. Do not forget that a person who loves you – will not look for one more person in his and her life.

5. Not appreciating of your partner’s efforts

In one way or another, your partner just wants to be appreciated by you. If he or she does not feel appreciated – you may lose the person. We are all people, and sometimes we just want to be encouraged and appreciated for what we do. Therefore, if your partner makes any simple step towards development – do not forget to say how good this person is.

6. Understand hygiene

It's one of the best messages on the relationship by Johnson Suleman for men. Do not forget that women do not like smelly men. It means that you have to follow the rules of hygiene. Therefore, everything is pretty simple – you just need to follow the common hygiene rules, and everything will be alright.

7. Date a person because of his status or money

Do not dare to date somebody because of status or money. It will end badly. It's necessary to feel love for a person, to understand his and her needs. Therefore, that's how true love can be forged. You should understand that money and status in the society will come eventually to you, but you can't say the same about happiness and love.

You should appreciate and love the person not for money or status, but for the feelings that he or she can give you. That can be called true love.

8. To be moved by the physical appearance

Do not forget that body tend to become older and uglier. Therefore, if you love your partner only because of the physical appearance, then you will get a bad surprise after ten-fifteen years of living with him or her. The true beauty of a lady and man is hidden in their characters. A wise man will never marry because of the physical appearance.

9. Failure to develop himself or herself

It's unwise to start serious relationships when you are not certain of yourself. Therefore, it's necessary to develop yourself first especially if you have a partner that constantly look for ways to to improve him or herself.

10. Learn how to woo a girl

It`s necessary to understand what a girl wants from you. Therefore, you should understand what your girl really needs. If you can't understand how to talk to a woman and take care of her, you can't be a good man for her.


Do not forget these tips from Apostle Johnson Suleman messages. It can save your relationships! Be honest with your partner and understand what he or she really needs in the relationships.
